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These are some of the most common questions asked

If your question isn’t answered here, please get in touch

  • How do I know if therapy can help me?
    Making the decision to go into therapy can be a difficult one, especially as it so often comes at a time when making decisions seems to be part of the problem; when you’re feeling pretty hopeless about things getting better; and when you don’t really feel it will be helpful. But now more than ever is when you deserve to have someone take care of you. The best way of finding out if therapy might be of help to you is to call me to discuss your situation ahead of setting up an appointment. If I am unable to take your call, I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, and always within 24 hours of making contact.
  • Will my information be confidential?
    All of your information is kept confidential, and I will only disclose the content of our discussion if I am ethically obliged to do so. That means, for example, if I am concerned about any risk you may pose to yourself or another. I will always discuss this with you. If during the course of therapy it becomes clear that a referral to another source of care is indicated (for example your GP) then I will provide some personal information in that referral, but again with your full knowledge and consent. Medical insurance requires that a diagnosis is provided when the invoice is submitted, but no further information is given to the insurer unless we agree to ask for further sessions. In which case a brief report is usually required. I will discuss this with you. Ethical practice and our professional and regulatory bodies, the HCPC and BPS, require that all clinicians undertake regular supervision to ensure that we maintain a high standard of professional practice. I will therefore discuss aspects of the work we do with another trained psychologist but will always maintain absolute confidentiality during this process.
  • How often will we meet and how long is each session?
    Sessions are 50 minutes long and we will usually meet every week at the same time. The first session is the assessment session in which, together, we begin to tailor a therapy plan to meet your needs. In some cases patients may benefit from initially meeting twice a week, then reducing to weekly, and ending with every two weeks.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    Each course of therapy is tailored to suit your needs. Most medical insurances will grant a course of 10 to 12 sessions with the proviso that if more sessions are needed, the clinician is required to provide a brief report detailing your progress. I will discuss this with you. If you are self-funding, we will agree on the number of sessions after the first assessment session, but this can be re-negotiated as we progress.
  • What if I need help urgently?
    I am unfortunately unable to offer emergency help. If you need urgent support, then please contact your GP, NHS 111, or attend your local A & E department.


Psychology Studio is an independent practice. Fees are determined by the service you require.


Self-funding patients are responsible for their own fees. Payment for therapy is required within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. Payments should be made by internet bank transfer.


I understand that things crop up unexpectedly and will try to rearrange sessions which have to be cancelled. However, you are liable for the full fee for a missed session.


I am registered with private health insurance providers:







Once the therapy has been approved by your insurance company, and an authorisation number is provided, Psychology Studio will invoice them directly. However, some insurers have an excess that you will be liable for yourself. You will need to check this directly with your insurer.

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